Type Safety
provides type safety when defining your GraphQL schema
while avoiding the need for code generation, decorators, or other
Simple Type-Safe GraphQL Schemas in TypeScript
const const Query: GObjectType<unknown, Context>
Query = const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.object: <unknown>(youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction?: { youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction: true;}) => <Fields, Interfaces>(config: { ...;} & Omit<...>) => GObjectType<...>
object()({ name: string
name: "Query", fields: { user: GField<unknown, { id: GArg<GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, false>; }, GObjectType<UserSource, Context>, unknown, Context>;} | (() => { user: GField<unknown, { id: GArg<GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, false>; }, GObjectType<UserSource, Context>, unknown, Context>;})
fields: { user: GField<unknown, { id: GArg<GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, false>;}, GObjectType<UserSource, Context>, unknown, Context>
user: const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.field: <unknown, GObjectType<UserSource, Context>, (_: unknown, args: { readonly id: string;}, context: Context) => Promise<UserSource | null>, { ...;}>(field: FieldFuncArgs<...> & { ...;}) => GField<...>
field({ type: GObjectType<UserSource, Context>
type: const User: GObjectType<UserSource, Context>
User, args?: { id: GArg<GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, false>;}
args: { id: GArg<GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, false>
id: const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.arg: <GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>, undefined>(arg: { type: GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>; description?: Maybe<string>; extensions?: (Readonly<...> & Readonly<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined; astNode?: Maybe<...>; deprecationReason?: Maybe<...>;} & { ...;}) => GArg<...>
arg({ type: GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>
type: const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.nonNull: <GScalarType<string, string>>(of: GScalarType<string, string>) => GNonNull<GScalarType<string, string>>
nonNull(const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.type ID: GScalarType<string, string>
ID) }), }, resolve: ((source: unknown, args: { readonly id: string;}, context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => InferValueFromOutputType<GObjectType<UserSource, Context>>) & ((_: unknown, args: { ...;}, context: Context) => Promise<...>)
resolve(_: unknown
_, args: { readonly id: string;}
args, context: Context
context) { return context: Context
context.loadUser: (id: string) => Promise<UserSource | null>
loadUser(args: { readonly id: string;}
args. );id }, }), },});
Type Safety
provides type safety when defining your GraphQL schema
while avoiding the need for code generation, decorators, or other
Direct Compatibility with GraphQL.js
Use @graphql-ts/schema
with any existing GraphQL server that uses
GraphQL.js, like GraphQL Yoga, Apollo Server, graphql-http, etc.