To get started, you’ll need to install @graphql-ts/schema
and graphql
npm install graphql @graphql-ts/schema
pnpm add graphql @graphql-ts/schema
yarn add graphql @graphql-ts/schema
Using @graphql-ts/schema
starts with the g
object which is a set of functions that mirror the GraphQL.js API, but with added type-safety.
To create g
, you need to call gWithContext
with a context type. The context type defines the type of the context that resolvers receive. You’ll generally want to export this from a module so you can use it in your schema definition. You’ll also want to export a type alias for g
like type g<T> = gWithContext.infer<T>
, you’ll use this later.
import { function gWithContext<Context>(): GWithContext<Context>
gWithContext } from "@graphql-ts/schema";
export type type Context = {}
Context = {};
export const const g: GWithContext<Context>
g = gWithContext<Context>(): GWithContext<Context>
gWithContext<type Context = {}
Context>();export type type g<T> = T extends () => (args: any) => infer R ? R : T extends (args: any) => infer R ? R : never
g<function (type parameter) T in type g<T>
T> = (alias) namespace gWithContextimport gWithContext
gWithContext.type gWithContext.infer<T> = T extends () => (args: any) => infer R ? R : T extends (args: any) => infer R ? R : never
infer<function (type parameter) T in type g<T>
Now you can use g
to define your schema, you’ll probably start with a query type, like this:
import { type g<T> = T extends () => (args: any) => infer R ? R : T extends (args: any) => infer R ? R : neverconst g: GWithContext<Context>
g } from "./g";import { class GraphQLSchema
GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
const const Query: GObjectType<unknown, Context>
Query = const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.object: <unknown>(youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction?: { youOnlyNeedToPassATypeParameterToThisFunctionYouPassTheActualRuntimeArgsOnTheResultOfThisFunction: true;}) => <Fields, Interfaces>(config: { ...;} & Omit<...>) => GObjectType<...>
object()({ name: string
name: "Query", fields: { hello: GField<unknown, any, GScalarType<string, string>, unknown, Context>;} | (() => { hello: GField<unknown, any, GScalarType<string, string>, unknown, Context>;})
fields: { hello: GField<unknown, any, GScalarType<string, string>, unknown, Context>
hello: const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.field: <unknown, GScalarType<string, string>, () => string, any>(field: FieldFuncArgs<unknown, any, GScalarType<string, string>, Context> & { resolve: ((source: unknown, args: {}, context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => InferValueFromOutputType<...>) & (() => string);}) => GField<...>
field({ type: GScalarType<string, string>
type: const g: GWithContext<Context>
g.type String: GScalarType<string, string>
String, resolve: ((source: unknown, args: {}, context: Context, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => InferValueFromOutputType<GScalarType<string, string>>) & (() => string)
resolve: () => "world", }), },});
const const schema: GraphQLSchema
schema = new new GraphQLSchema(config: Readonly<GraphQLSchemaConfig>): GraphQLSchema
GraphQLSchema({ query?: Maybe<GraphQLObjectType<any, any>>
query: const Query: GObjectType<unknown, Context>
If we print that schema in GraphQL SDL, it looks like this:
type Query { hello: String}
You’ve now created a GraphQL schema using @graphql-ts/schema
! 🎉
This schema
object can be used with any server that works with GraphQL.js schema, such as GraphQL Yoga, Apollo Server, graphql-http, etc.